Spring 2019 Camping Trip

Mar. 30-31, Buescher State Park

We will camp overnight on Saturday, March 30 to Sunday, March 31 at Buescher State Park, about one hour east of Austin. Activities begin at 2pm on Saturday, so please arrive at least an hour earlier to set up your tent site.

There will be a few reserved camping sites available for those who want to arrive on Friday and camp an extra night. This is completely optional, and you are responsible for your own food on Friday night/Saturday morning. Contact Kathy if you would like to reserve one of these spots.


[ ] All adults who attend an overnight trip must have completed the latest Youth Protection Training. Pack leaders should have already completed this, and other adults may have completed YPT before our Fall Overnight Trip, but if you haven’t completed training since February 2018, it is required.

[ ] All attendees—adults and scouts—need to have a Scout BSA Medical Form completed/updated. Click here to download the form as a PDF. It can be filled out in Adobe Acrobat or by hand. A physical copy must be delivered to Kathy at the campout (or before).

[ ] Reserve your spot: pay for your tent site and grub fee online. You can also pay in person at the event, but it’s a lot easier for us to plan if you pay ahead of time. Everyone who wants to attend should be able to attend. Siblings and family members are welcome.


9am-12pm Learn to Fish
*Optional activity offered by TX State Parks
12 - 1:30pm Arrival/Tent Set up
*Campsites TBA
2pm Colors
3 - 4pm Pack Activity Bear Den Carnival
4 - 5:30pm Den Activity
6pm Dinner
7pm Campfire Prep / Practice Den Skits
8pm Campfire

8am Breakfast
9am Sunday Service
10am Cleanup, strike camp, and departure

Good to Know

The Pack has already made the campsite reservations. We have sites 41 - 46 and 51 - 60 in the Lakeview Camping Area reserved. There are restroom facilities in the park, including showers. Link to camping site map.

If we exceed 2 cars and/or 8 people per campsite, we will be charged an extra fee. This is fine, if we have to do this for capacity reasons, but please only exceed the car/people limit if we have used every available campsite already.

We will have use of a pavilion and it will have electricity.

Meals will be provided by the Bear (dinner) and Tiger (breakfast) dens.
If you have dietary restrictions, please contact Bill Tiernan.

Coffee will be provided for adults (and anyone is welcome to learn how to help brew).

Some dens may do a hike on Saturday as a den activity. Check with your den leader. Click here for a Buescher State Park Trails Map

What to Bring

Class A uniform (Cub Scout uniform shirt, neckerchief, and hat) for Opening / Closing Ceremonies
Class B uniform (Pack t-shirt) for the rest of the weekend

A tent! (Need to borrow a tent? Contact your Den Leader or email: cubmaster@pack421austin.org)

A reusable cup, mug, water bottle, and/or canteen.

A camp chair.

A fishing pole! (*optional) You can fish in TX State Parks without a license and the park happens to be hosting a free “Learn to Fish” event on the Saturday morning before our activities begin.

Click here for a complete packing list (including what not to bring!)


Buescher State Park
100 Park Road 1E 
Smithville, TX 78957

Latitude: 30.039098
Longitude: -97.158295