Scout Sunday 2023

Our partner organization, Covenant United Methodist Church, has invited all Pack 421 scouts and their families to attend their Scout Sunday celebration on February 26, 10am. The service should last about an hour.

Scout who attend should wear class A uniforms, and some can choose to volunteer for one of a few different roles:

  • Lighting candles (2 Scouts)

  • Leading a call to worship (1-3 Scouts)

  • Reciting the Scout Law (all Scouts)

  • Reading Scripture (1 Scout)

If your Scout can volunteer for one of those roles, please sign up here.

This is not a mandatory event. Families from all faiths are welcome to attend, and could be a great way for some Scouts to experience a different faith tradition.

It’s a great chance to open a conversation about an important part of the Scout Law: A Scout is Reverent.