2020 Pinewood Derby

Scouts are encouraged to use their own creativity and engineering ideas as they customize wooden cars for either speed, looks, or both! As you go you’ll just need to stay within the Pack’s rules, to avoid disappointment at check-in or on race day. Click here for our Pack’s Pinewood Derby Rules.


We will host one build night in conjunction with our Pack Meeting on Monday, January 20. This makes the entire build process go more quickly , since not everyone has the right tools in their own home. Ask your Den Leader if your Den will also have a separate build night.

We will only do two things at the Pack Meeting:

  1. cut the basic outline/shape of the car

  2. drill holes for the car's standard nail axles

To prepare for the Pack meeting:

  1. Bring your Pinewood Derby kit to the Pack Meeting
    If you didn't receive one yet, we will have more on hand.

  2. Have your scout sketch the profile of their car's shape on the side of the car. You can print a template for your Scout to start sketching ideas before they mark the wood block. Pencil is highly encouraged.

  3. Write their name and den on the bottom of the wood block.

We will not be sanding, attaching wheels, adding weights, painting, or any other build activities at the Pack Meeting. There's another 10 days after the Pack Meeting for further independent assembly and finishing touches.

For more ideas and a rabbit hole of information regarding Pinewood Derby, click here.


Weigh-in for all cars begins on Friday evening, January 31 between 6-7:30pm at Davis Elementary’s Cafeteria.

Don’t wait until Saturday morning to get your car weighed in, as adjustments can take a little time. This also make for a smoother Saturday morning, and our event will start and end sooner if we have everyone weighed-in on Friday night.

At weigh in, leaders will:

  • check the vehicle’s weight (remember, it cannot exceed 5.00 oz)

  • check for any other rules violations

  • ask for the car’s name (make sure your Scouts think about this before Friday!)


The Pinewood Derby race begins at 9am on Saturday, February 1 and we should be finished by 12noon. Dress: Class A uniforms.

  1. Each Scout’s car will race against their own Den in a series of heats. Each car will race multiple times, in different lanes, to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each Den.

  2. The top 3 cars from each den will race in the Pack-level heats to determine overall placement as the Pack’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fastest cars.

  3. Siblings & Outlaw Races: All siblings are welcome to bring their car and we will race them as their own “den.” The same applies with any parent or Scout which has created an “outlaw” car (one that doesn’t abide by the rules).


In addition to 1st-3rd Place awards for each Den and the overall Pack, we will have creative awards for the following:

  • Most Patriotic Car

  • Most Original Car

  • Best Camouflaged Car

  • Best Antique Car

  • Car of the Future

  • Judge's Favorite Car

  • Most Creative Car

  • Best Craftsmanship Car

  • Top Movie or TV Themed Car

  • Outstanding Use of Decals

  • Best Lego Car


An annual tradition, Cub Scouts work together with their parent or adult mentor to build their own custom race car! They begin by choosing a car design, then carve it out, and detail it with paint, decals, and other accessories to compete in their pack's own Pinewood Derby. It's s a wonderful learning experience centered on teamwork, ingenuity, and sportsmanship—all for the thrill of the race and a lifetime of great memories.